Mobility scholarships

Pacific Alliance Scholarship

Universities from the member countries of the Alliance participate: Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. Students who belong to the priority areas of the scholarship can apply: Civil Engineering, Mechanical-Electrical Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Business Administration, Service Administration, Accounting, Economics, Law and History and Cultural Management. It is announced in August and is an annual call.

See current call.




  • Round trip air tickets.
  • Monthly allowance of USD 650 approx. (undergraduate).
  • International Health and Accident Insurance.



Hilter Suarez Morales

IC • Piura Campus. Federico Santa María Technical University, Valparaíso Chile 2019-II.

An enriching experience, studying at the Federico Santa María Technical University in the city of Valparaíso in Chile, allowed me to acquire new knowledge, soft skills and a new perspective about the world, since I met people from different countries and enjoyed a new culture and places. In addition, it allowed me to value my country more and indeed, Peru has a lot to improve, yes, but there is also much more to be proud of.
I encourage everyone to dare to carry out experiences of this type, which will allow them to grow both personally and professionally in their lives.