Laboratorio de Sistemas Automáticos de Control


Nuestros papers

Los miembros del Laboratorio de SAC realizan investigaciones en distintas áreas de sectores industriales, haciendo uso de modernos equipos de trabajo, machine learning y un equipo de investigadores especializados, y con el fin de resolver problemáticas regionales, nacionales e internacionales.



William Ipanaqué

2023 Calle-Chojeda, E., Oliden-Semino, J., Ipanaqué-Alama,W.(2023) Control de un sistema multivariable no lineal y en fase no mínima empleando un controlador predictivo Revista iberoamericana de automática e informática industrial. 20(1).
  • Soto, J., La Rosa, G., Paiva, E., & Ipanaque, W. (2022). Spectral signature for quality assessment of anchovy fish meal (Engraulis Ringens) using Partial Least IEEE Latin America Transactions, 21(2), 200–206.
  • Alvarado, I., Ipanaqué, W. (2022) Wiener model identification of a pH plant with ELM. 2022 IEEE Engineering International Research Conference (EIRCON), 26-28 10.1109/EIRCON56026.2022.9934809.
  • Campos, J., Silupú, J., M., Bogdan,D., Ipanaqué, W., Arellano-García,H. (2022) A smart decision framework for the prediction of thrips incidence in organic banana crops. Ecological Modelling, 473.
  • Almeyda, E., Ipanaqué, W. (2022) RECENT DEVELOPMENTS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR BANANA: APPLICATION AREAS, LEARNING ALGORITHMS, AND FUTURE CHALLENGES Engenharia Agricola, 42 (Special Issue). 10.1590/1809-4430-Eng.Agric.v42nepe20210144/2022
  • Campos, J., Silupú, J., M., Ipanaqué, W., Bogdan, D., Arellano-García, H. (2022) Mechanistic modelling for thrips incidence in organic banana. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 51, 271-276.
  • Estrada, C., Silupú, J., M., Ipanaqué, W., Bogdan, D., Arellano-Garćıa, H. (2022) A model-based approach for the prediction of banana rust thrips incidence from atmospheric variables. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 51, 505-510.
  • Silupu, J., Campos, J., Paiva, E., Ipanaqué, W. (2021) Thrips incidence prediction in organic banana crop with Machine learning. HELIYON Journal, Heliyon 7 e08575.  DOI:
  • Esparza, R., Ipanaqué, W. (2021) Regionalizing innovation strategies in Peru based on smart specialization: implications and challenges. Regionalizing innovation strategies in Peru based on smart specialization: implications and challenges, 1-5. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2020.1869202.
  • Belupú, I., Estrada,C. , Oquelis, J. y Ipanaqué, W. (2021) Smart agriculture based on WSN and Node.js for monitoring plantations in rural areas: Case region Piura, Peru 2021 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) DOI: 10.1109/CHILECON54041.2021.9702965
  • Belupú, I., Ipanaqué, W. (2021) A web decision support system for banana farmers centralizing information from different weather stations. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Aerospace and Signal Processing (INCAS) DOI: 10.1109/INCAS53599.2021.9666930
  • Silupu, J., M., Campos, J. y Ipanaqué, W. (2021) Dynamic Modeling and experimental validation of refrigeration system for fruit storage. 2021 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies(CHILECON) . DOI:10.1109/CHILECON54041.2021.9702891
  • Espinoza, J., V., Ipanaqué-Alama,W., Bohórquez, J. and Amaya, I., B. (2021) “Implementation of a Pilot Plant for the Integral Development of Remote Laboratories,” in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, 16(1),11-20. DOI: 10.1109/RITA.2021.3052491.
  • Castillo, J., Belupú, I., Ipanaqué, W. (2021) Implementation of a stainless steel prototype to improve the fermentation of cocoa beans. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA).  DOI: 10.1109/ICAACCA51523.2021.9465312.
  • Caravantes, D., Yeng, J., Cotrina, K., Amaya, B., Valdiviezo, J., Ipanaqué, W. (2021). K-means clustering algorithm approach for the segmentation of organic banana producers according to production ratio. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA). DOI: 10.1109/ICAACCA51523.2021.9465202. INSPEC Accession Number: 20758199
  • Campos, J. C., Manrique-Silupú, J., Ipanaqué, W. (2021) Design and Simulation of NMPC based on state space model applied to refrigeration system for mango exportation. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA). DOI: 10.1109/ICAACCA51523.2021.9465293. INSPEC Accession Number: 20758152
  • Correa, E., García, M., Grosso, G., Huamantoma, J., Ipanaqué, W. (2021). Design and Implementation of a CNN architecture to classify images of banana leaves with diseases. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXIV Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ICA-ACCA). DOI: 10.1109/ICAACCA51523.2021.9465178
  • Estrada, C., Manrique, J., Ipanaque, W. (2021) Mathematical modeling for prediction of banana rust thrips from atmospheric variables. 2021 IEEE Engineering International Research Conference (EIRCON). DOI: 10.1109/EIRCON52903.2021.9613233
  • Menzhausen, R., Merino, M., Dorneanu, B., Silupú, J. J. M., Alama, W. I., & Arellano-Garcia, H. (2020). A Fuzzy Control Approach for an Industrial Refrigeration System. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Vol. 48, pp. 1255-1260).
  • Gehring, N., Dorneanu, B., Silupú, J. J. M., Alama, W. I., & Arellano-Garcia, H. (2020). Circular Economy in Banana Cultivation. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Vol. 48, pp. 1567-1572).
  • Abanto, F., Rotta, P., La Madrid, L., Soto, J., La Rosa, G., Manrique, J., Ruiz, G., Ipanaque, W. (2020) Moisture in Concrete Aggregates and its relation to the Dielectric Constant. INGENIUS Q4 in Journal Citation Indicator (JCI). DOI
  • Criollo, A., Mendoza, M., Saavedra, E., & Vargas, G. (2020). Design and Evaluation of a Convolutional Neural Network for Banana Leaf Diseases Classification. 2020 IEEE Engineering International Research Conference (EIRCON) (pp. 1-4).
  • Cornejo, E. R. F., Diaz, R. C., & Alama, W. I. (2020). PID Tuning based on Classical and Meta-heuristic Algorithms: A Performance Comparison. 2020 IEEE Engineering International Research Conference (EIRCON) (pp. 1-4).
  • Oliden, J., & Ipanaqué, W. (2020). Model predictive control with PWA models. 2020 IEEE Engineering International Research Conference (EIRCON) (pp. 1-4).
  • Campos, J. C., Manrique, J., & Ipanaque, W. (2020). Dynamic Modeling and Validation of a Refrigeration System and Cold Room for Fruit Preservation. 2020 IEEE Engineering International Research Conference (EIRCON) (pp. 1-4).
  • Almeyda, E., Paiva, J., & Ipanaqué, W. (2020). Pest Incidence Prediction in Organic Banana Crops with Machine Learning Techniques. 2020 IEEE Engineering International Research Conference (EIRCON) (pp. 1-4).
  • Carrasco, L., Merino, M., & Ipanaqué, W. (2020). Design and experimental implementation of a PID-IMC Controller for a VCRS. 2020 IEEE XXVII International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON) (pp. 1-4).
  • Paiva Jyro, J., Soto, J., Manrique, J., & Ipanaqué, W. (2020). Control and Monitoring Online of a Dryer for Industrial Fishmeal Process. 2020 IEEE XXVII International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON) (pp. 1-4).
  • Pinos-Vélez, E., Cabrera, A., Curay, A., Chacón, C. L., Ipanaqué, W., & Serpa-Andrade, L. (2020). Modeling and Simulation of the Human Rye and Its Correlation Between Increased Intraocular Pressure and the Thickness of the Cornea. International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (pp. 83-90).
  • Pinos-Vélez, E., Chazi, M., Cajamarca, C., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Chacón, C. L., Ipanaqué, W., & Serpa-Andrade, L. (2020). Identification and Prevention of Glaucoma Through Digital Processing of Biomedical Imaging by the Relationship Between Volume of Nerve Fibers and Intraocular Pressure. International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (pp. 91-98).
  • Paiva, J., Soto, J., Manrique, J., Ipanaqué, W. (2020). Control and Monitoring Online of a Dryer for Industrial Fishmeal Process. 2020 IEEE XXVII International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON). DOI: 10.1109/INTERCON50315.2020.9220242
  • Mendoza, D., Schrangl, P., Ipanaqué, W., del Re L. (2020). Self-tuning NMPC of an Engine Air Path.  21st IFAC World Congress: Berlin, Germany, Volume 53, Issue 2, pp. 13870-13875.
  • Mejia-Gamarra, E., Reiterer, F., Tkachenko, P., Schrangl, P., Freckmann, G., Ipanaqué, W. (2020). Simple Strategies for Retrospective Detection of Meals in Diabetes Datasets. 21st IFAC World Congress: Berlin, Germany, Volume 53, Issue 2, pp. 16380-16385.
  • Fernandez, E., Ipanaque, W., Cajo, R., & De Keyser, R. (2019). Classical and Advanced Control Methods Applied to an Anaerobic Digestion Reactor Model. 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) (pp. 1-7).
  • Checa, K., Gamarra, M., Soto, J., Ipanaqué, W., & La Rosa, G. (2019). Preliminary study of the relation between the content of cadmium and the hyperspectral signature of organic cocoa beans. 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) (pp. 1-7).
  • Delgado, M., Effio, E., Farfán, N., Ipanaqué, W., & Soto, J. (2019). Determination of Moisture Content in Concrete Aggregates using Machine Learning algorithms and Hyperspectral Imaging. 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) (pp. 1-5).
  • Rotta, P., Abanto, F., Ipanaqué, W., Ruiz, G., Soto, J., & Manrique, J. (2019). A review of current methods for moisture content measurement. 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) (pp. 1-7).
  • Manrique, J., Merino, M., Reyes, J., & Ipanaqué, W. (2019). System identification and PI control applied to refrigeration system for mango exportation. 2019 IEEE XXVI International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON) (pp. 1-4).
  • Pinos-Velez, E., Flores-Rivera, M., Ipanque-Alama, W., Herrera-Alvarez, D., Chacon, C., & Serpa-Andrade, L. (2018). Implementation of support tools for the presumptive diagnosis of Glaucoma through identification and processing of medical images of the human eye. 2018 IEEE International Systems Engineering Symposium (ISSE) (pp. 1-5).
  • Valdiviezo, J., Ipanaqué, W., Soto, J., & Belupú, I. (2018). Control remoto de planta piloto Compact Workstation FESTO en el marco del desarrollo de laboratorios remotos. Proceedings of the LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology, 2018-July(1).
  • Pinos-Vélez, E., Encalada, S., Gamboa, E., Robles-Bykbaev, V., Ipanque, W., & Chacón, C. L. (2017). Development of a support system for the presumptive diagnosis of glaucoma through the processing of biomedical images of the human eye fundus in ecuador. International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (pp. 100-109).
  • Ipanaqué-Alama W. y Alvarado-Tabacchi I. (2017) Wiener predictive control for a pH neutralization plant. CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) (pp. 1-7).
  • Oliden, J., Manrique, J., & Ipanaqué, W. (2017). Modelling, simulation and nonlinear control of an evaporator for bioethanol production. 2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) (pp. 1-6).
  • Oliden, J., Manrique, J., & Ipanaqué, W. (2017, October). Model and control of a refrigeration system for fruit preservation. In 2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
  • Ipanaqué, W., Belupú, I., Castillo, J., & Salazar, J. (2017, October). Internet of Things applied to monitoring fermentation process of Cocoa at the Piura’s mountain range. In 2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  • Soto, J., Paiva, E., Ipanaqué, W., Reyes, J., Espinoza, D., & Mendoza, D. (2017, October). Cocoa bean quality assessment by using hyperspectral index for determining the state of fermentation with a non-destructive analysis. In 2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  • Paiva-Peredo, E., Soto, J., Ipanaqué, W., Cherre, C., Yañez, O., & Silva, G. (2017, October). Design of the position control of a quad-rotor using optical flow sensor and LIDAR. In 2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  • Capcha, M. A., Ipanaqué, W., & De Keyser, R. (2017, September). Comparison of model-based and non-model-based strategies for nonlinear control of a three-tank system. In 2017 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
  • Pinos-Vélez, E., Alvarez-Cardenas, R., Torres-Ríos, S., Chacón, C. L., Ipanaqué-Alama, W., & Serpa-Andrade, L. (2017). Mathematical modeling of human eye affected by increased intraocular pressure as a tool for the prevention of glaucoma. In VII Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2016, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia, October 26th-28th, 2016 (pp. 569-572). Springer, Singapore.
  • Moreno, J. y Ipanaqué, W. (2016). «Identification and GPC control of an AC motor using Dspace». Ingenius. N.15, (Enero-Junio). pp. 66-72.”
  • Ipanaqué, W., Salazar, J., & Belupú, I. (2016, October). Implementation of an architecture of digital control in FPGA commanded from an embedded Java application. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  • Paiva, E., Soto, J., Salinas, J., & Ipanaqué, W. (2016, October). Modeling, simulation and implementation of a modified PID controller for stabilizing a quadcopter. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  • Soto, J., Ruiz, J., Ipanaqué, W., & Chinguel, C. (2016, October). New hyperspectral index for determining the state of fermentation in the non-destructive analysis for organic cocoa violet. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  • Rosero, P. P., Alama, W. I., Silupu, J. M., & Oliden, J. (2016, October). Temperature Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller (NMPC) for a Dryer Plant of Cocoa Beans. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  • Pinos-Vélez, E., Alvarez-Cardenas, R., Torres-Ríos, S., Chacón, C. L., & Ipanaqué-Alama, W. (2016, October). Increased intraocular pressure simulation and its effect on acuity and field of vision of the human eye. In 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
  • Pablo, P. R., William, I. A., José, M., & José, O. (2016, October). Predictive and adaptive nonlinear controller applied to a drying process of cocoa beans. In 2016 IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  • Rosero, P. P., Alama, W. I., & Silupu, J. M. (2016). Artificial Drying of Cocoa Beans Based on a Continuous Flow Revolving System. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 14(6), 2570-2575.
  • Reyes, J. M. R., Bohorquez, J. S., & Ipanaque, W. (2016). Evaluation of spectral relation indexes of the Peruvian’s cocoa beans during fermentation process. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 14(6), 2862-2867.
  • Paiva, E. A., Soto, J. C., Salinas, J. A., & Ipanaqué, W. (2015, October). Modeling and PID cascade control of a Quadcopter for trajectory tracking. In 2015 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) (pp. 809-815). IEEE.
  • Rosero, P. P., Alama, W. I., & Silupu, J. M. (2015, July). Design and Implementation of a Temperature Predictive Controller for a Dryer Plant of Cocoa Beans. In 2015 Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Aided System Engineering (pp. 202-207). IEEE.
  • Reyes, J. R., Bohórquez, J. S., & Alama, W. I. (2015, July). Hyperspectral analysis based anthocyanin index (ARI2) during cocoa bean fermentation process. In 2015 Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Aided System Engineering (pp. 169-172). IEEE.
  • Soto, J., Granda, G., Prieto, F., Ipanaque, W., & Machacuay, J. (2015, April). Cocoa bean quality assessment by using hyperspectral images and fuzzy logic techniques. In Twelfth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision 2015 (Vol. 9534, p. 95340M). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
2014 Hernandez, A., De Keyser, R., Manrique, J., Oliden, J., & Ipanaqué, W. (2014, June). Modeling and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a rotary disc dryer for fishmeal production. In 2014 European Control Conference (ECC) (pp. 1819-1824). IEEE.
2013 Ipanaqué, W., Oliden, J., Manrique, J., Hernández, A., Dutta, A., & De Keyser, R. (2013, July). Nonlinear predictive control of an evaporator for bioethanol production. In 2013 European Control Conference (ECC) (pp. 2573-2578). IEEE.
  • José, M., & William, I. (2011, December). Modeling and simulation of a multistage evaporator in ethanol plant using ECOSIMPRO environment. In 2011 9th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA) (pp. 71-75). IEEE.
  • Ipanaqué, W., & Manrique, J. (2011). Identification and control of pH using optimal piecewise linear Wiener model. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 44(1), 12301-12306.
2005 Bardales, A. R., Barboza, D. S., Ipanaqué, W., & Flores, J. M. (2005, September). Neural Network Modeling for ALSTOM Gasifier. In ANNIIP (pp. 94-102).
  • Alama, W. I., & Lovera, M. (1997). Input-Output Selection and Feedforward Design for Distillation Column. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 30(6), 1587-1591.
  • Alama, W. I., & Lovera, M. (1997). State Space Identification for a Pilot Distillation Column. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 30(6), 553-557.
  • Alama, W. I., Leva, A., & Lovera, M. (1997). A comparison study of identification methods for a pilot distillation column. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 30(27), 143-148.
1996 Alama, W. I., & Scattolini, R. (1996). Constrained receding horizon predictive control of a binary distillation column.





José Manrique

  • Gehring N., Dorneanu B., Manrique Silupu J.J., Alamac W.I., Arellano-Garcia H. (2020.) CIRCULAR ECONOMY IN BANANA CULTIVATION. SCOPUS.
  • Menzhausen R., Merino M., Dorneanu B., Manrique Silupu J.J., Ipanaque Alama W., Arellano-Garcia H. (2020). A FUZZY CONTROL APPROACH FOR AN INDUSTRIAL REFRIGERATION SYSTEM. SCOPUS
  • Manrique J., Merino M., Reyes J., Ipanaqué W. (2019). System identification and PI control applied to refrigeration system for mango exportation. IEEE XXVI International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON). 12 al 14 Agosto, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/INTERCON.2019.8853604
  • Rotta, P., Abanto, F., Ipanaque, W., Ruiz, G., Soto, J., & Manrique, J. (2019). A review of current methods for moisture content measurement. 2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON). doi:10.1109/chilecon47746.2019.8987996
  • Aramburu, A., Manrique, J., Saavedra, R. (2017). Adaptive PID controller with auto-tuning applied to the agricultural food industry. 2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON). 18 al 20 Octubre, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229714
  • Oliden, J., Manrique, J. Ipanaque, W. (2017). Modelling, Simulation and Nonlinear Control of an Evaporator for Bioethanol production. 2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON). 18 al 20 Octubre, 2017. Doi: 10.1109/chilecon.2017.8229613
  • Oliden, J., Manrique, J. Ipanaque, W. (2017). Model and Control of a refrigeration system for fruit preservation. 2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON). 18 al 20 Octubre, 2017.  DOI: 10.1109/CHILECON.2017.8229614
  • Parra, P., Ipanaque, W., Manrique, J. (2016). Temperature Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller (NMPC) for a Dryer Plant of Cocoa Beans. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatica (ICA-ACCA). DOI: 10.1109/ICA-ACCA.2016.7778388
  • Parra, P., Ipanaqué, W., Oliden, J., Manrique, J. (2016). Predictive and adaptive nonlinear controller applied to a drying process of cocoa beans. 2016 IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM). DOI: 10.1109/ETCM.2016.7750842
2015 Parra-Rosero, P., Ipanaqué-Alama, W., Manrique-Silupú, J. (2015). Design and Implementation of a Temperature Predictive Controller for a Dryer Plant of Cocoa Beans. 2015 Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Aided System Engineering. DOI: 10.1109/APCASE.2015.43
2014 Hernandez, A., De Keyser, R., Ipanaqué, W., Manrique, J. (2014). Modeling and Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a Rotary Disc Dryer for Fishmeal Production. European Control Conference (ECC (pp. 1819-1824) ISBN: 978-3-9524269-1-3; INSPEC Accession Number: 14470331.
2013 Ipanaque, W., Oliden, J., Manrique, J., Hernández, A., Dutta, A., De Keyser, R. (2013). Nonlinear Predictive Control of an Evaporator for Bioethanol production.  Control European Conference (ECC). IEEE Explorer y SCOPUS. (pp. 2573-2578). INSPEC Accesion Number: 13936400.
2012 Ipanaqué, W., Manrique, J., de Keyser, R., Dutta, A., Oliden, J. (2012). Control no lineal iterativo predictivo de evaporador en obtención de bio-etanol. IEEE Explorer y SCOPUS. 15th Latin-American Control Conference, Proceedings (pp. 56-62).
  • Manrique, J., Ipanaque, W. (2011). Modeling and simulation of a multistage evaporator in ethanol plant using ECOSIMPRO environment. Control and Automation (ICCA) 2011 9th IEEE International Conference (pp. 71-75). ISSN: 1948-3449, ISBN: 978-1-4577-1475-7.
  • Manrique, J., Ipanaqué, W., (2011). Identification and Control of pH using optimal piecewise linear Wiener model.  18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) (pp. 12301-12306). DOI: 10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.03695

Juan Carlos Soto

2016 Modeling and PID cascade control of a Quadcopter for trajectory tracking CHILECON 2015 – 2015 IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Proceedings of IEEE Chilecon 2015 2016; () 809-815
Modeling and PID cascade control of a Quadcopter for trajectory tracking CHILECON 2015 – 2015 IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Proceedings of IEEE Chilecon 2015 2016; () 809-815
Modeling and PID cascade control of a Quadcopter for trajectory tracking CHILECON 2015 – 2015 IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Proceedings of IEEE Chilecon 2015 2016; () 809-816
Modeling and PID cascade control of a Quadcopter for trajectory tracking CHILECON 2015 – 2015 IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Proceedings of IEEE Chilecon 2015 2016; () 809-817
Modeling and PID cascade control of a Quadcopter for trajectory tracking CHILECON 2015 – 2015 IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Proceedings of IEEE Chilecon 2015 2016; () 809-818
Modeling and PID cascade control of a Quadcopter for trajectory tracking CHILECON 2015 – 2015 IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Proceedings of IEEE Chilecon 2015 2016; () 809-819
2017 Modeling and PID cascade control of a Quadcopter for trajectory tracking CHILECON 2015 – 2015 IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Proceedings of IEEE Chilecon 2015 2016; () 809-820
Modeling and PID cascade control of a Quadcopter for trajectory tracking CHILECON 2015 – 2015 IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Proceedings of IEEE Chilecon 2015 2016; () 809-821
Modeling and PID cascade control of a Quadcopter for trajectory tracking CHILECON 2015 – 2015 IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Proceedings of IEEE Chilecon 2015 2016; () 809-822
Modeling and PID cascade control of a Quadcopter for trajectory tracking CHILECON 2015 – 2015 IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Proceedings of IEEE Chilecon 2015 2016; () 809-823

Irene Alvarado Tabacchi

2022 Irene A. y William I., “Identificación del modelo Wiener de una planta de pH con ELM”, Conferencia internacional de investigación de ingeniería IEEE (EIRCON) de 2022, Lima, Perú, 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/EIRCON56026.2022.9934809.
2019 L. Morales, J. Calderon, W. Solórzano and I. Alvarado, “Modeling of cacao pod husk anaerobic digester using artificial neural networks,” 2019 IEEE XXVI International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON) , Lima, Perú, 2019, págs. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/INTERCON.2019.8853552.
2017 WI Alama and IA Tabacchi, “Wiener predictive control for a pH neutralization plant,” 2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON) , Pucon, Chile, 2017, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ CHILECON.2017.8229635.