Facultad de Medicina

Inglés Aplicado a Ciencias de la Salud

Saludos y conversación general
  • Introducing yourself and describing your specialization and your job
  • Asking about health and illness
  • Describing parts of the body

Explicación del Tratamiento al Paciente (signos y síntomas)
  • Symptoms and signs
  • Personal details
  • Presenting complaints
  • Case Study

Presentación del paciente
  • Taking a history
  • Eliciting information
  • Describing pain
  • Case study

Atención al paciente en consulta externa

Working in general practice

  • Talking about GP
  • Taking a history 2
  • Patient Care
  • Case Study

Atención al paciente en hospitalización

Instructions and procedures

  • Explaining a procedure and giving instructions
  • Discussing complications
  • Reassuring the patient
  • Case Study

Historia Clínica

Physical and mental Examination

  • Examining a patient
  • Types of questions from a mental examination
  • An introduction to explaining diagnosis and management
  • Case Study

Atención en Emergencia

Emergency Medicine

  • Talking about ER
  • Describing accidents
  • Patient care in ER
  • Case Study

Bioética y Consentimiento Informado

Introduction to Bioethics

  • What is bioethics to you? Why is it important?
  • Talking about the four pilars of Bioethics
  • Case Study I
  • Case Study II