University Transparency

General information

Access to public information and good governance

Prevention and Punishment of Sexual Harassment

University Ombudsman

UDEP Crime Prevention Model (MPD)

The Crime Prevention Model of active bribery, collusion, influence peddling, money laundering and terrorist financing describes the set of organizational, administrative and supervisory measures appropriate to their nature, risks, needs and characteristics, through which The University of Piura fulfills the duties of surveillance and control suitable to prevent the commission of the crimes established in Law 30424.

Financial statements

Reinvestment reports

Research Project Registry

Scholarships and academic credits

Number of students by faculties and study programs

Number of applicants and entrants

Number of graduates

List of teachers by category and dedication

Faculty of Human Medicine


Minutes of the University Senate Session

Minutes of the Superior Council Session

Faculty Council Session Minutes

    Minutes of the Council Session of the Faculty of Educational Sciences

    Review the minutes

    Minutes of the Council Session of the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences

    Review the minutes

Personal data protection