Online payment methods

Piura Campus

  • UDEP
  • Online payment – Piura

Undergraduate pensions – Piura Campus 



Payment of full monthly pension through the website or applications of banking entities

Payment of full monthly pension through the website or applications of banking entities

Payment is enabled through the applications or websites of the following banking entities: BCP, BBVA, Interbank, Scotiabank. By following the process indicated below, the information corresponding to the student's pension will be automatically uploaded.


1. Banco de Crédito del Perú BCP (mobile cellular application, internet banking and service at the bank's counter)

• Services pay.
• Search: Universities
• Udep – Piura Campus
• Pensions
• Student code (indicate student ID)


2. BBVA Bank (cellular mobile application, internet banking and service at the bank's counter)

• Pay for services.
• Search: Udep Piura – Undergraduate.
• Student code (indicate student ID)


3. INTERBANK Bank (cellular mobile application, internet banking and service at the bank's counter)

• Operations.
• Payments or recharges.
• Payments for services.
• Services or Institutions.
• Search for company: UDEP
• Select services: PIURA UNDERGRADUATE.
• Enter/indicate the student's ID.
• Search receipts.


4. SCOTIABANK Bank (cellular mobile application, internet banking and service at the bank's counter)

• Pay.
• Services or institutions.
• Enter the name: University of Piura.
• Undergraduate Piura.
• Indicate/place the student's ID.


5. Via BCP Agents

• BCP agent code: 20828
• Pension Account: Udep – Piura Campus – Pensions
• Indicating the student's ID number.



Full or partial pension payment using credit or debit card

Full or partial pension payment using credit or debit card

We offer you a payment solution that accepts all credit and debit cards and is compatible with cards from any bank.


Pay here


  • The company that provides the online payment service to the University of Piura is Pagolink NIUBIZ.
  • It is necessary to keep proof of membership in the mail for any eventuality later.
  • To make full pension payments, it is important to verify the corresponding amount in the documentation sent from the Pension Office.
  • If, due to the current context, partial pension payments are required, it is necessary to send proof of payment and the student's information (ID and full name) to to update information in the system.

How to make the payment?

  • Enter the requested data. This information is confidential and will be stored only by the provider. The University will not have access to your personal information.
  • You will receive an email confirming the accepted or denied payment. It is necessary to keep said proof of payment in the mail for any subsequent eventuality.

Visa or Mastercard credit or debit card membership to make scheduled payments

Visa or Mastercard credit or debit card membership to make scheduled payments

This modality allows you to enroll the data of a Visa or MasterCard credit or debit card in a form. With this information, the Pension Office will contact the card owner to schedule pension payments during the cycle.


  • The company that provides the online payment service to the Undergraduate Pension Office is Pagolink NIUBIZ.
  • It is necessary to keep proof of membership in the mail for any eventuality later.

Check the tutorial




In case of doubts or queries, contact:

📍 Campus Piura Pensions
📱 963612258