Antonio Abruña Puyol, rector of the University of Piura.
After two years of staying away due to the global health emergency, in 2022-I we gradually returned to in-person attendance. We did it with a host of mixed feelings: with sadness, for the people who died due to the pandemic; with joy, hope and, above all, with a lot of optimism to meet again, to return, little by little, to the new normal.
We had prepared for a long time, taking all the necessary precautions to allow us to return safely. We implemented CO2 meters in classrooms, optimized ventilation systems, built outdoor classrooms and new meeting spaces on campuses. We renovated classrooms and offices, with a new distribution and adapted capacity; and, we follow all the biosafety measures recommended by the authorities.
In this return, we reaffirm that we are and will always be a face-to-face university; We value the benefits of technology, but we are clear that personal contact, closeness, accessibility, and company are part of our mission, because through this relationship a bond of knowledge, appreciation, and affection arises that is fundamental for the education we seek.
2022 has been a year in which we have continued dedicated to comprehensive training, research, internationalization, social responsibility actions, and promoting the growth of our community.
Although it has been a year with a politically turbulent social environment, the effort and dedication of each of the members of the university have allowed a series of achievements and satisfaction in all areas of the work of this house of studies. Also, we resumed actions to improve the university (in staff training, teacher training and infrastructure) to better serve our society.
- Humanities
- Engineering
- Economic and business Sciences
- Communication
- Educational Sciences
- Law
- Human medicine
- Business Administration
- Service administration
- Architecture
- Liberal Arts with a mention in History
- Liberal Arts with a major in Philosophy
- Audiovisual Communication
- Marketing Communications
- Accounting and auditing
- Law
- Economy
- Initial Level Education
- Primary Level Education
- Secondary Education: History and Social Sciences
- Secondary Education: English Language
- Secondary Education: Language and Literature
- Secondary Education: Mathematics and Physics
- History and Cultural Management
- Civil Engineering
- Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Mechanical – Electrical Engineering
- Industrial Engineering with a mention in Logistics Management
- Industrial Engineering with a mention in Operations Management
- Human medicine
- Journalism
- Psychology
keep going
Masters: 55
Doctorates: 5
Extension programs: 78
Master's degree: 700
Doctorate: 62
Extension programs: 1919
Full time: 306
Part time: 46
Teaching collaborators: 485
Piura and Lima
• English
• Portuguese
• Italian
Only in Piura
• French, in agreement with the French Alliance.
• Chinese, in collaboration with the Confucius Institute
Language Center and Confucius Institute: 5439
Students in summer: 1843
Students 2022 – I: 1885
Students 2022 – II: 1711
We are in charge of transmitting to other generations (who can see through us) the essence of the University of Piura.”
Dr. Álvaro Tresierra Tweet